Thursday, May 28, 2020

“Greyhound Bus” by Jefferson Thomas

For the last few years, singer/songwriter Jefferson Thomas has been building up quite the following on the underground side of his scene. In his new single, “Greyhound Bus,” and its eclectic music video, Thomas swings for the fence with a robustly rhythmic rock tune and ends up scoring as big as he could have hoped to. “Greyhound Bus” has all the makings of a classic heartland rock song, but its contemporary edge and lack of political lyricism give it a unique quality few tracks of its kind possess. This is a good time to be following indie music, and right now, this is one of the month’s best new releases. 

Official Website:

I really love the clean-cut stylization of the master mix here. Both the music video and the single feature a lot of instrumental detail that feels textured and highly contributive to the overall narrative in the lyrics. There’s never an instance where it’s difficult for us to discern one element from another, and for the most part, Thomas’ vocal harmonies dominate every angle in the arrangement. He’s got such a charming energy about him in “Greyhound Bus,” and between his words of wisdom and the melodies that accompany his every utterance, he’s sounding like a seasoned pro at this medium. 

Part of me does wonder if “Greyhound Bus” would sound ever better in a live setting than it does in this studio recording. There’s a jam energy to Jefferson Thomas’ recently released material that sounds inspired by freeform sessions spent alone with his own thoughts, and on stage, I think we could potentially get just as powerful a performance from him. He has all the cards on the table with us in this single, and whether meaning to or not, I do believe he has raised the bar for both his own future output and that of his scene in general.


You don’t have to be a big heartland rock fan to appreciate what Jefferson Thomas is piling on our plates in “Greyhound Bus,” but those who are will probably regard this as one of the sweetest new songs of 2020. With the immense division the nightly news discusses on a daily basis, it’s always nice to find some untainted Americana that reminds all of us of what really matters most in the American identity. This is a fantastic new single and music video, and more than enough to bring me back to Thomas’ work in the future.

Joshua Beach

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